

An Argentine company turned 100 years old and focuses on the future.

This is FV, ​​the high-tech Faucets Company that to celebrate the occasion, carried out a study on what houses will be like in the future.
By Delfina Casaldi.

The most futuristic images show them technological, extensive and, in many cases, extravagant. However, the projection that Argentines make of future houses is much simpler: they imagine them similar to those of today, but much more sustainable and friendly towards the environment. This is the result of a study carried out by the consulting firm specialized in market research YOUniversal and the high-tech faucets company FV, on the 100th anniversary of its birth.


One of the most important conclusions reached by the study is related to the growing concern around caring for the environment. Among 17 sustainable habits mentioned, respondents answered that they carry out an average of 50%. Most say they make more conscientious use of water, electricity and gas, consume food from local producers and choose bikes instead of other transportation. However, only one in three Argentines agree that they lead a very sustainable lifestyle. The rest, although they carry out some actions in their daily lives, they do so less frequently.

For the majority of the respondents, in the coming years, cities will have more green spaces, which will compensate the higher pollution that is estimated to exist. On the other hand, 83% believe that efficient transportation and mobility will be one of the keys to urban design; 82% think that caring for environmental resources will be more important and 77% consider that there will be more and more digital and voice interaction in all spaces.


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